Saturday 29 November 2014


This is the start of my poster design for 'Autumn'. I wanted to show the audience abit more of the film through the poster as the title is maybe a little too ambiguous and not revealing of the events or storyline enough! I think the layout works nicely- however, I need to think of how I will fit in my billing board and actors names etc. I think the colours and pictures work well together. (The top picture will be changed to a shot of her actually opening the door with the light on get face). My other option would be to have 3 different pictures on under the other, another layout I think would look professional and easy and captivating for the audience to understand. 


  1. I really like this design Ella - it is ambitious, especially as it is a PORTRAIT. It is certainly worth proceeding with this

  2. AS a group

    Charlie and Kieren - you are both heading for major disaster unless you start to do some work and post evidence of this on your blog. this is rapidly becoming a one person blog and project.
    Poster research - Ella you have ONE (unfinished), Charlie and Kieren - nothing.
    Initial Poster design - only Ella - get some feedback on this. K & C - nothing.
    Little white Lies -post on conventions of layout and language and WHO READS it required.

    A lot to do in two weeks. I assume that your film footage is shot, but you seriously need to get a move on and Charlie and Kieren, - unless you start to show evidence of some work, you face the real possibility of not actually passing this.
