Saturday 29 November 2014


This is the start of my poster design for 'Autumn'. I wanted to show the audience abit more of the film through the poster as the title is maybe a little too ambiguous and not revealing of the events or storyline enough! I think the layout works nicely- however, I need to think of how I will fit in my billing board and actors names etc. I think the colours and pictures work well together. (The top picture will be changed to a shot of her actually opening the door with the light on get face). My other option would be to have 3 different pictures on under the other, another layout I think would look professional and easy and captivating for the audience to understand. 

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Editing- Garage Band

To show the start of a new day, I edited the sun clip, however, on top of that, to make it seem more realistic, I went onto garage band and created a piece of non diegetic sound of bird song to add underneath the sun shot. It took a while to get the different bird clips to fit together well and to make it sound real, but the final effect sounds really good and even though it is a small project compared to the filming and editing, I think it will add a lot of texture and realism to the film. 


Today I edited more of the wardrobe scenes, where Rosie is in different clothes to show a new day (as seen in the picture, in her pink top.) Again, editing alone was difficult as I didn't have anyone to feedback to, but I was pleased with the outcome. I chose some good shots and edited them to get extremely accurate continuity. I was also clever with the footage we already have, using one of the sun shots to show the start of the new day. 

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Poster Research


The names of the actors are located underneath the titling, with 'AND JASON FLEMYNG' being the most important and eye catching name on the poster and in the film. The actors names being in order of the characters appearing on the screen, other than Jason Flemyng who does not appear on the poster.

The main text and image are linked. The 'I' in the title, splits the screen and divides the 2 characters, foreshadowing a sub plot of the film. The main image is lower down on the poster. The background is a bright yellow, which contrasts with the black bold writing.

There are no other references to other films.

The main images are of the two main characters and, as said before, show that they are somewhat divided, foreshadowing their argument and long distant friendship in the film.

The tagline- '24 hours to deal yourself out' portrays the story/themes of the film; drugs and getting them out of trouble from the drugs.

From what I can see, there is no website, however, there is ratings, both presenting 4 stars, stating how much grit the clearly British film contains and mentions the 'urban' genre.

The title text is the biggest writing on the page and is nearly the only black writing too, with the rest being a really dark grey. However, the only content on the poster that links to the film is the title, also the name of the main character and the photo, showing the 2 main characters.

There is a billing board at the bottom of the poster. However, it is generic, it doesn't add anything to the poster.

There is no drawn imagery on the poster, no age certificate and no release date.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Poster Practise

Today, we started looking at the start of designing our posters and getting used to the software we would use (Photoshop). This is my design for 'Brighton Rock'. I chose brighter colours for this poster as Brighton is a very individual, bright place. However, for our short film, 'Autumn', I feel the colours I will chose for my poster will be darker and a lot more natural, mainly focusing on the greens and browns, symbolising the woods. I found photoshop fun to use and already have some interesting and unique ideas for my poster... 


Today, I edited the rest of the woods scene. Being on my own was difficult as I didn't get any positive or negative criticism from my team members, but it also allowed me to show my own artistic and creative potential when it came to editing and seeing what looked good on the camera and what went well together. In the picture, you can see me over lapping two clips, one that I filmed and one that Charlie filmed. The spinning shot of Rosie fades before she finishes walking over the bridge, this looks really good on the film and is a detailed and more challenging edit for me, which is one of the last shots of the wood scene- one that I am really proud of! 

Monday 3 November 2014

Shooting in Half Term

During the half term, my group met up to do some filming. Luckily, considering we are in October/November, the weather was bright and sunny- exactly the weather we needed for the first time Autumn (Rosie) enters the woods.

We came across a few dog walkers when filming, which meant we had to keep stopping and starting our filming. This put us off a bit as it meant that our creative flow was interrupted!

We got some really good shots of Autumn (Rosie) skipping and walking through the woods. However, now that the sky is getting darker quicker, we were limited with time, meaning that we may have to meet up again to get some more footage. We are praying for another day of good weather! An advantage of the darker weather now is we can film Rosie in her room, crying, whilst hearing her parents arguing, meaning we will get some pathetic fallacy, with the rain mirroring her tears.

The next plan is to get some shots of Rosie in her room for the opening sequence and the wardrobe scene whilst the weather is dark and gloomy. This can be done anytime during the week after 3 (once Rosie has finished school.)

Rosie's minimal makeup, hair and costume worked well in the woods. Instead of the white dress, she wore jeans, boots and a checkered purple coat, because of the cold, wet weather.  The deep purple worked well in the woods and contrasted with the green trees and brown leaves and tree trunks.